Monday, November 3, 2008


When I left New York this summer, I promised several friends and colleagues that I would start a blog so they could keep track of my wanderings.

I put off following through on that promise first because I had little to say in the immediate aftermath of the move, and then because it seemed wrong to write about moving to a tropical island when so many of my former colleagues were battling the financial crisis.

That second factor hasn't changed, but as the crisis wears on it is beginning to feel like a weaker excuse and I find that I have no reason not to follow through on my promise.
This, then, is my blog. I promise to catch you all up on my adventures and subject you, from time to time, to my thoughts on what is going on in the world.

For now, though, let me just tell you that I am in Maui looking out over the Pacific Ocean as the sun sets, and that for the moment I am at peace with the world.


aquaphilic said...

hey sweetie.
i'm just still excited to lean about your prescription dive mask. it's nice to see an official online presence fo you! i look forward to keeping up with your pacific exploration.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jes! I love the blog idea. It will be nice to track you in your travels and explorations.

