Sunday, January 25, 2009

Back in Maui after a bit of wandering

Hello! Sorry for falling off the map there. I've been traveling for the last 2 months and never quite got around to posting between trips. I've had a good wander - nothing dramatic, but I got to see a lot of family and friends and had the chance to look after my niece for a week, which was pretty fun.

Maui has gotten greener since I left and smells like rain. As always, I'm struck by how much slower the pace of life is here. Every time I arrive, even if I've been fairly idle as I was this last trip, it takes me at least a week to slow down enough to match the pace of the island and I find myself full of restless energy. Perhaps I'll try to keep some of it this time and put it to good use - I've been meaning to explore the islands here, and it'd be nice to get out & do some hiking.

The other change since I was last here is that the whales have arrived; more than half of the Pacific's humpback whale population winters in these waters, and looking out the window I can see signs of them everywhere. I've always wanted to be here for whale season, and I've never made it before. I'm excited about getting out on the water and seeing some close up.

I'll leave it at that, for now, but I'll try to post more frequently now that I'm back in Hawaii. Hope you all had a good New Year and are happy and healthy as we enter 2009.

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