Friday, March 26, 2010

Catching Up

For those of you who saw "Into the Wild" a few too many times, no, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth or met a terrible end on the side of a mountain. Quite the opposite, really... I had a lovely, lazy drive up the coast last summer, stopping to visit friends and explore promising bits of wilderness, and got so settled into the rhythm of travel that I never got around to updating my blog.

I'm in Oregon now - I came through here this summer and decided that it was the right place to call home for awhile - but I've fallen in love with the entire stretch of coastline between San Francisco and Vancouver, BC.

The redwoods in Northern California feel like a cathedral when the sun breaks through the trees, and there was one spot on the foggy coast where I stopped and found a sea otter sitting on a log in the middle of a lagoon, staring at me like he was the tourist and I was a bit of local wildlife. The light in the North Cascades makes me wish that I could paint, and the still gray waters of the northern sound make me glad that I can paddle. I am happy here.

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I still don't have any kind of long term plan... I've been working on building a business with a former colleague but it hasn't come together in quite the way that we'd hoped, so for the moment I remain content climbing mountains and paddling kayaks (and baking bread when the weather's uncooperative).

If you happen to find yourself in the northwest, please look me up & say hi!

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